Choosing a major or determining the appropriate degree for your future career is a monumental decision. While the process may seem overwhelming, considering the right factors can simplify the task and help you make an informed choice.

To aid in your journey on how to choose a major, let’s examine several key elements that can guide you in selecting the degree that best fits your interests and aspirations.

Before you begin with any kind of research, it’s extremely important to know your own self and get acquainted with your interests and likings. This gives you a chance to fairly judge degrees based on factors like- 

  • Which subjects do you enjoy studying the most?
  • Are there any specific subjects that you’re good at?
  • Have you studied any subjects before that piqued your interest?
  • What do you see yourself doing after university? 

Related: How to Choose a Minor in College?

Answering these basic questions will help you analyse the right kind of programs for you and help you move in the right direction.

While identifying interest areas is a great starting point, it’s also important to factor in if your major is in demand. This is why you need to ask yourself, ‘Will my choice in degree affect what I do after college?’ 

Check out the most popular majors and understand why are they in demand. Usually, the demand for majors in different subjects varies according to industry growth, hiring trends, and other employment factors. Some evergreen majors that always stay in demand include:

  • Engineering
  • Marketing
  • Communications

One of the crucial aspects of choosing a major in college is understanding if your degree offers a healthy scope of work once you graduate. Factor in things like the earning potential of the career you can make out of picking this major. 

  • One way of looking at it is this: think about your dream job- say, being an automobile engineer is your end goal. Now, work backwards and do your research on whether it has economic benefits, and which majors would aid in making you an automobile engineer. This would make it crystal clear to you that having a degree in engineering would aid in making your dream a reality. 
  • While this is one way of understanding your career prospects, you can define your own way like making a pro-cons list, or speaking to experts in your field to decide which degree would be the best for you. 

Making the right choice is crucial, and easy if you know what you want to do in life. But if you have no idea and are still exploring your options, you could try comparing majors. 

  • This helps you to look at each degree in-depth, understand the subjects you would be studying and collate the benefits of each. 
  • Once you do this, strike off the ones that don’t offer the subjects of your choice or are not cognizant of your style of studying. 
  • Now, you can easily list down the colleges that offer the degree of your choice and make a wise decision.

If all of the above doesn’t work and you think you need external help to decide what degree is the best for you, don’t worry. You’re not alone. It is extremely common and essential to meet with a career advisor and seek advice on what you should study. Most career counselors are equipped with advanced tools that can help you make a well-thought-out decision. They can assist you in 

  • carefully analyzing your options, 
  • understanding the pros and cons of each course, 
  • helping you define your strengths and capabilities. 

Some of them may also suggest refined techniques like work-study, doing volunteer work, or taking up shadowing opportunities in the fields of your interest. 

Choosing a major or a degree is not always easy as it is one decision that needs to be looked at from multiple perspectives before you zero in on a program. While career options play a crucial role in deciding what you study, as a student, you must also think of backup degree options, just in case you change your mind.

Without this, you might find yourself lost midway if you don’t like your course and may not have other options to fall back on. So think carefully before you make a choice.

  • If multiple degree options are leaving you confused, here are a few handy tips.
  • Get acquainted with your interests and likings before you start your research.
  • Understand which majors are most in demand and why.
  • Factor in aspects like earning potential and scope of growth of the selected major(s).
  • Draw a fair comparison between your options to weigh the pros and cons of each program.
  • Take external help like speaking with career counselors to make the right choice.