Enter Your Information
I Am A (An)
California Customer Authorized Agent of California Consumer

An Opt-Out from Sale of Personal Information Request (“Opt-Out Request”) is stored in a cookie in the browser on the device you used when submitting the Opt Out request. You will need to submit a separate Opt-Out Request from each browser on each device on for which you would like to submit a Opt Out Request. If you clear cookies in any browser on a device after submitting your Opt Out Request, you will need to submit the request again using that same browser and device.

If the request is for a Copy of Specific Pieces of Personal Information, you must provide CollegEnroll with a signed Consumer Affidavit of Identity. The signed scanned copy of Affidavit can be sent via email to compliance@collegenroll.com. CollegEnroll is not able to verify or process your request until we receive the signed Affidavit.


If you would like to submit a request on behalf of a California consumer, the Consumer must have previously designated you as their Authorized Agent, which allows you submit the request. The Consumer is required to provide CollegEnroll with either a valid power of attorney, or a signed Consumer Affidavit of Agent Authorization. The Consumer must email the scanned copy or copies to compliance@collegenroll.com

CollegEnroll is not able to verify your request until we receive either the valid power of attorney or signed Affidavit. We cannot process any request that is not verified. Please note that if an Affidavit is provided we may also need to contact the consumer directly in order to confirm permission to proceed with the request.

Enter Customer’s Information

An Opt-Out from Sale of Personal Information Request (“Opt-Out Request”) is stored in a cookie in the browser on the device you used when submitting the Opt Out request. You will need to submit a separate Opt-Out Request from each browser on each device on for which you would like to submit a Opt Out Request. If you clear cookies in any browser on a device after submitting your Opt Out Request, you will need to submit the request again using that same browser and device.

If the request is for a Copy of Specific Pieces of Personal Information, you must provide CollegEnroll with a signed Consumer Affidavit of Identity. The signed scanned copy of Affidavit can be sent via email to compliance@collegenroll.com. CollegEnroll is not able to verify or process your request until we receive the signed Affidavit.
